• info@bmes.com.my
  • +603 - 62775100

Project Overview

Institut Kepimpinan dan Pembangunan or Institute of Leadership & Development (ILD) was developed beginning July 2013 on 31.3 acres land at Bandar Enstek Township, Nilai Negeri Sembilan and handed over to UiTM on 22 July 2016.

The development consists of a building with a few facilities i.e Training Room, Auditorium, Seminar Room and including accommodation for 400 rooms. The institute was in operation on July 2016 and was led by Penolong Naib Canselor (PNC).

There are a few outdoor facilities provided for the participant such as Team Building Track, Jogging track and sport facilities i.e. tennis court, futsal court and netball court.


  • Client Company Name:
    Universiti Teknologi MARA
  • Commencement Year:
  • Duration:
    20 Years
  • Project Status:

You can contact us for more info.